
Bachelor / Undergraduate

Bachelor Degree

To begin a Bachelor also known as Undergraduate, you usually need to have a secondary school qualification. Depending on your country of origin, you may need to undertake a preparatory course. You’ll need to contact us to check the academic entry requirements.

Some courses will require to have studied certain subjects to enter, such as mathematics to enter engineering. Most Bachelors in Arts/Design will also require a folio.

Depending on the course, you’ll be able to complete your Bachelor Degree in 3 years or 4 years. However, some programs require a longer period of study. For example dentistry will take about 6 years. Some countries like the USA propose Bachelors in 4 years. When choosing a course and a country, we’ll need to compare several points in order to find the most suitable Bachelor program.

Bachelor with Honours

Academically strong students can enter a Bachelor Degree with Honours which would take an extra year to complete. Students are then eligible to enter a PhD.

Associate Degree

An associate Degree is a two year program with a possible articulation into a Bachelor Degree. Students would need to study one extra year after an Associate Degree in order to obtain a Bachelor. Some Universities propose Associate Degree. Students choose to study an Associate Degree as the entry requirements are often lower than a direct entry into a Bachelor.

In the USA, Community Colleges offer two years programs with articulation into the final two years of the Bachelors proposed by American Universities. Some Community Colleges have a very high convertibility rate into top US Universities.

Certificates and Diplomas

They are short programs from one Semester to two years depending on the Institutions. Some certificates or diplomas are more vocational and provide the students with specific skills. Some diplomas are pathways to a higher qualification such as the Bachelor.